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12th November 2016

Dear Friends,

It gives us immense pleasure to report three worthy News about our SMART Program.

Mumbai inaugurated its 9th SMART Centre in Dharavi with Nursing as a trade for women living in one of the biggest slums of Asia. Dharavi is an important location for us as there have been many NGOs working for the upliftment of the community but none have set a mark with regard to training and placement of youth and specially young girls. The SMART team has taken this as a challenge and intends to create a bigger impact in the slum area.

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Moving towards East, in Bhubaneswar Shri Subroto Bagchi, Chairman, Odisha Skill Development Authority inaugurated the Tech Mahindra Foundation SMART+ plus center. He has seen disability all his life as his mother is visually impaired. He inspired the students by saying that nothing is impossible for those who have the determination and grit and people with disabilities outshine many a “normal” person at the workplace.

Down South, SMART Employer’s Recognition Meet was held in Bangalore wherein 40 employers from Retail, Hospitality, Tally, Office Administration, Machine Shop and various other trades participated. The objective was to strengthen the synergy among the employers and the SMART Centres by exchanging common issues pertaining to youth’s placement.

Last but not the least, it was a moment of pride to be a part of the panel at the NASSCOM Foundation. The discussions focused on the current practices and the effectiveness of programs focusing on employability skill training and the way forward.

Warm Regards,
Tech Mahindra Foundation

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