Let's learn to defeat all odds
“The parents heave a great sigh of relief noticing their son
become so responsible.” – Jaya Prakash’s Trainer

Jay Prakash
Technician at Honda, Bengaluru
For Jaya Prakash, responsibility and aspiration are two sides of the same coin!
Jay Prakash is from a challenged background and couldn’t clear class X as he suffered ‘attention deficiency syndrome’. His father is a painter and mother works in houses to support the family. He came to know about the SMART T Centre, Bengaluru from one of his friends and enrolled himself for the automobile course. He worked and studied at the same time due to which he was not able to concentrate on his studies and kept irregular with classes. However, one day he decided to change himself completely. Since that day he became regular, made every possible effort to develop English speaking skills and obtained his certificate resulting in the direct employment at Aryan Suzuki as a Technician. Seeking better prospects, he found a job with Honda as a Technician at its Indira Nagar branch in Bengaluru. Because of his job the situation of his family has improved remarkably.
Jaya Prakash’s Trainer ‘The parents heave a great sigh of relief noticing their son become so responsible’.