Hope sees the Invisible, and Achives the Impossible!
“I am very thankful to Tech Mahindra Foundation because it gave me a new life” – Taira

A student at SMART centre, New Delhi
Taira is a mother of two kids and stays in Okhla, New Delhi. Life changed upside-down when her husband got a paralysis attack immediately after they got married. She had no choice and has been staying with her husband’s relatives for the last six years. Situation forced her to depend on them (financially) for her own family’s expenses. This led her go in depression.
SMART community mobilization team made her believe that she is capable of a lot more and through SMART she could give a new direction to her life. She joined SMART-Retail & Sales Centre, Delhi and improved her basic soft skills and computer knowledge. Joining the centre worked as a medicine for her as she not just became confident through regular training classes, the course on workplace readiness helped her become calmer and collected that brought normalcy to her life.
After successfully completing the SMART course she is now working with Saima Manpower Pvt Ltd. as HR recruiter because of her communication skills and confidence. She is supporting her family, managing her kids and living life with great pride, each day.