“I think classroom observations also provide us with a structure to interact with the faculty about our concerns. In a group setting, many great things happen as we can learn from one another. However, during these visits, we can exhibit our challenges in real-time,” – Mr. Gaurav Verma

Mr. Gaurav Verma
A teacher supported at our Shikshaantaar program in Delhi (ITEI-EDMC)
While it is not uncommon to flinch at the thought of being observed while one is doing their job, Gaurav Verma thrives in those conditions. “In my career, I have never seen anyone be as excited about being observed as him,” reports a faculty member for the Institute.
His reasons are simple. He feels that such attention makes the system value itself. “When I was a student, the Inspection days were so special. We used to be on our best behaviour, and the teacher would often give us sweets once the Inspector left. I knew we were being bribed, but the whole place throbbed with energy on Inspection Days, and we would accomplish so much,” he recalls fondly.
The faculty at the ITEI-EDMC carries several visits with the intent of observing classrooms in action. The purpose is to learn where the scope of growth lies and not merely to “inspect” the teacher in action! Gaurav appreciates this approach and says his enthusiasm is a result of the discussions that happen during these visits.
Another advantage of these visits is the impact they have on the students. “Most of my students come from struggling with social and economic backgrounds. The fact that someone wants to see how they are in classrooms makes them feel special,” he declares emphatically.
If one thing is sure in education it is that students love consistency and constantly crave it. The regular visits are scheduled to motivate the teachers and students alike. They are an essential component of what the Institute does. Without these visits, the system would never truly grow for there would be no mechanism to observe the change.
“I think classroom observations also provide us with a structure to interact with the faculty about our concerns. In a group setting, many great things happen as we can learn from one another. However, during these visits, we can exhibit our challenges in real-time,” explains Gaurav.
During a visit to his classroom, extensive use of teaching-learning materials was observed. Rather, we wish we were his students for the sheer life he breathes into each of his lessons!