Building character with Sports
“Problems come to those who grudge at everything but focusing on finding a solution is a key to all problems.” – Mr. Rajesh Dabas

Mr. Rajesh Dabas
A teacher supported at our Shikshaantaar program in Delhi (ITEI-NDMC)
An excellent athlete and even brilliant teacher, Rajesh received the ‘Best Teacher Award’ at the state level in 2019. Born and brought up in a family of national-level players and athletes, sports was in his blood and he has won a myriad of awards of excellence in various sports.
A post-graduate in Physical Education, he is currently working as a Physical Trainer at NDMC Primary School, MubarikapurDabas. Apart from focusing on the performance, he emphasizedthe importance of being healthy, well-mannered and building agood character of his trainees.He ensures imparting life skills in his students along with practical skills and knowledge of the sports. Besides, he coordinates zonal sports seminars as a physical instructor, plans sports events at various levels and conducts athletic coaching.A nature lover, he has also brought together a group of teachers to plant trees in the nearby area.
Rajesh is a member of the Physical Educator’scohort for which ITEI-NDMC has planned an intensive 20-day course. The first two phases have been completedwith the participants and school support visits and Khel Mela are planned for the next phases.Being one of the senior-most teachers, Rajesh gave extensive feedback on the needsof the Physical Education teachersthat helped us in customizing and contextualizing the course. He particularly liked sessions on First Aid,minor games, indoor and outdoor games during the workshops.
Sharing his experience at the workshops, he says “The workshops conducted at ITEI- NDMCare extremely informative and have helped us upgrade our skills and knowledge. The organisation and planning of the workshops areremarkable. It provided us with a platform tolearnmore about coordination and teamwork as we usually don’t work with teachers from across zone.”
From his personal experiences, Rajesh understands the importance of a good mentor and the role he can play in helping his students accomplish any task. His twenty-eight years-long journey as a Physical Trainer has been full of learnings.
“Problems come to those who grudge at everything but focusing on finding a solution is a key to all problems.”- says Rajesh. He always tells his students that nothing is impossible and one must notfear losing and should make an attempt. Lack of sufficient resources sometimes hinders the progress of his students but he tries to overcome them with alternative thinking. He believes that we can teach anything to the students effectively by being anexample of our preachings.