Page 49 - TMF AR 2021-22 Final html
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S P E C I A L I N I T I A T I V E S The Foundation’s emphasis on the holistic development of an
BREAKING BARRIERS individual has meant that emotional wellbeing has been an
integral part of our programs, and the spread of COVID 19,
TO RISE, TOGETHER added impetus to our mental health interventions.
In the ARISE and ARISE+ programs, counselling that was
previously provided to a few select beneficiaries was extended
Breaking barriers to SAAJHI SAMAJH to all students. A pilot project also trained young girls with
Rise, together visual impairment from ARISE+ school in Social and Emotional
These are a series of events towards creating a broader platform Learning (SEL), and its resounding success has resulted in plans
to enable advocacy through discourse and discussion on issues to expand the discipline to all programs.
related and relevant to our work in the development sector.
Similarly, although our SMART Centres & SMART Academies
The discussions, as part of the events, bring together provide counselling services, Mind@Ease™ was launched during
a multitude of experts and specialists to define affirmative the start of the pandemic to include the beneficiaries that may
actions. The themes range from employment to education be hesitant to speak to known counsellors or those who didn't
and inclusivity, which are central to our work and have a know who to reach out to. Mind@Ease, an aggregator platform
direct bearing on society.
has been created to bring together reputed and credible
organizations to offer a range of counselling services, across the
Striving for collective thought and action by all stakeholders,
the agenda is to accelerate India’s development journey country along with many helpful resources, articles and videos.
towards large-scale social change.
At Shikshaantar, our flagship capacity-building program for
educators, over 1000 teachers were trained in mental health &
Saajhi Samajh during the year:
wellbeing initiatives. In collaboration with the Fortis School of
First Aid in Schools - A discussion on Integrating Social-Emotional Mental Health & Macmillan Education, teachers were equipped
Role of a Teacher Learning in Education with the skills to identify and deal with psychological issues
amongst their students.
Including Disability at the Workplace: Eye Health for Children-Leading
From Aspiration to Action through Knowledge
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