Rising Above Her Challenges!

Sradhanjali Behera
Supported through Tech Mahindra Foundation’s partner - Sri Nrusingha Dev Anchalika Yuba Parisada (SNDAYP) in Odisha
Sradhanjali Behera belongs to Basudevpur Village in Satyabadi block of Puri district in Odisha. The little girl has been suffering from Cerebral Palsy for long. Her father who works as a driver hardly manages the expenses of the month.
She is a student of Class-II at Basudevpur Primary School. Earlier, due to her medical condition, she was not able to do any activity on her own. But as she came in contact with Tech Mahindra Foundation’s partner Sri Nrusingha Dev Anchalika Yuba Parisada (SNDAYP), she started showing improvement. She started attending the home-based and centre-based activities regularly; she also received therapies by the team as her parents were counselled to support her at the same time.
Due to the team’s intervention, now, she regularly walks for 5-10 minutes with support. The Odisha team has also applied ‘Banishree’ scholarship for Sradhanjali and she is also being supported by Madhubabu Pension Yojana.
With her noticeable development, her parents are happy and express their gratitude towards Tech Mahindra Foundation. They have also become more conscious about her wellbeing and day-to-day improvement.
Today, she does what she loves, she dances; and her parents support her in any manner.
We wish her good luck for her future!